

Well, this dream came as a bit of a relief to me. After having two back-to-back dreams which tilted either full-on-gay or straightish-with-hints-of-gay, I was beginning to wonder about myself. Quite handy timing too; the very night I begin writing about my concern, I have a regular, good ol' sex dream. Kind of a lame one, but at least there weren't any butt-plugs this time.

This dream starred Jada Pinkett Smith. Why, I couldn't say. I don't find myself thinking of her very often - in fact, basically never unless I'm watching Independence Day - but whatever. I'll take it. I don't remember much of the dream, so this entry should be shorter than average.

There was no buildup or complex subtexts to concern myself with this time. The only purpose of the dream was to bang Jada Pinkett Smith in one of those old-timey wooden wash basins. The water was very soapy, and we started the dream naked and ready to go.

As is most often the case with these types of dreams (in fact, all of them that I can recall), my dream self was a bit different than my real self. I was the same person more or less, same face and hair and all that... only once again, I was thin and somewhat well-built, and had a larger dick. Also, rather than most of the dream taking place from 'my' perspective, I was once again seeing everything as if I were an outside observer. I'm not sure why, but almost all of my sex dreams are like this, which is probably why most of them honestly kinda suck.

There were brief moments where things shifted to the first-person view, but only for a few seconds at a time after which the view would return to third-person. Actually, I can only recall two or three instances where this happened: The first was my watching very carefully as she climbed into the tub, taking in her very nice ass as she did so. She was climbing in backward, you see. The second was a gratuitous pussy shot. She was shaved clean and had a larger clitoral hood than I imagined she would... not that I'm complaining really. She was wet and soapy from the water, and as I went in to muff dive a bit, the view shifted out again. The third moment was straight on, her looking me in the eyes as she... did something. I think she was giving me a handjob at that point, but I'm unsure.

All of the action happened from the third-person perspective. There wasn't any penetration sadly, but we went down on each other and played around a bit. And really, that's about the end of the dream. Really, it was more like watching porn than anything else.

Probably the most interesting part of the dream, other than a naked Jada Pinkett Smith of course, was the basin and the scenery. The scenery was interesting in that there wasn't any at all. The background was a simple gradient from light grayish-purple to dark grayish-purple (#9178F3 is a hex approximation that I'm looking at right now). The basin is the exact same type of basin that was involved in another sex dream I had more than a decade ago, and may in fact have been the same basin. Back then it was a dream where I was fucking a person who was, basically, my sister (shut up, I'm not happy about it either). I'm not sure what it is with this basin, but I guess it's neat to have continuity.