Dad and Tara


I haven't bothered updating the dreamlog for a while, most likely because I haven't actually been having that many dreams as of late. I've had a few, but almost all have been forgotten except for two of them. The most recent was another dream involving Tara, and the other that I recall involved my father and other family members. I'll talk about the second dream first.

I had the second dream more than a month ago, probably closer to two months. Hell, maybe even longer than that, I can't recall. I've forgotten most of the details, but I remember enough of the 'twists' and 'setpieces' to communicate the gist of the dream.

I don't remember what happened for the first 'half' of the dream, only that it involved my immediate family quite heavily -- primarily my dad. My mom was about the same age as now (though she hasn't seemed to age very much the past 10-15 years anyway, so maybe she was younger), but my dad was visibly younger, somewhere between his late thirties to early forties. The dream seemed to take place inside an 80s futuristic dystopia, everything darker than normal and cast in a bluish hue.

My dad worked for the government as an agent of some type, and my mother and I acted as assistants of a sort. She stayed home mostly and communicated with me through some type of video phone in my car or something, doing research and feeding me information. I was keeping an eye on him and making sure nothing went wrong 'in the field.' As for what my dad did, I couldn't actually say because he dressed like a car salesman and never seemed to be doing anything particularly actiony. Hell, he seemed a bit out of place with the rest of the dream.

That is until most of the way through the dream, when my mother uncovered a video journal / confession from my father that stated he was no longer under his own control. He had turned into a serial killer of some type and was literally losing his mind on video. He wanted us to track him down and stop (kill) him before he could destroy too many other innocent people, and so we began the chase.

From there, the dream just sort of petered into nothingness. I recall chasing him in the car, as well as in some type of flying or climbing vehicle that was scaling expansive caverns in search of him. It wasn't long before the dream more closely resembled maps from Quake than whatever it was previously, and so I woke up.


The second dream involved Tara, as they sometimes do. There wasn't much to this dream other than her presence, which always manages to get to me and usually has me waking up feeling numb and hopeless.

I was dicking around on my computer, typing stuff and sometimes watching YouTube. I may have been coding or simply writing some bullshit (like now), I couldn't say which. The ceiling light was off, the only source of illumination coming from my monitor as it shone back on my face or against the wall behind me, giving the room an almost cold and empty feeling.

To my right, somehow sitting on my dresser in front of the TV (or maybe in the front drawer), was Tara. She was idly kicking her legs in a playful manner, looking over at me frequently and chuckling or giggling about something. There were other sounds emanating from my computer and from myself, chatting with her, making jokes or laughing at hers. I can't recall any of the specifics, because even in the dream it was all a hushed, distant noise like trying to hear someone through a wall.

I was dressed in my usual - a black T-shirt, dark pants - and she was dressed in a white or light-gray shirt and shorts. Or maybe she wasn't wearing pants at all, and was instead wearing a too-long shirt; I can't remember. We spent the majority of the dream in our respective spots until she finally said something that made me leave my seat, and from here the dream switched to a first-person perspective.

I put my hands behind her on the dresser, leaning inward towards her as I pretended to look at something behind. It was obvious I wanted a kiss, and in the dream I noted she was making no moves to dodge or prevent such a thing from happening. I got very close a few times, never quite having the nerve to actually plant one on her before I woke up. The last thing I remember is her smiling face, looking a bit disappointed at me.