Short Dreams


I've had a handful of dreams recently, some more innocent than others. Compared to most of the dreams I write about, these were much shorter and far less distinct; I'm only journaling them now because I've had so many, and I may have a bit of trouble remembering most of the details.

The first dream... I won't post publicly. It's pretty bad.

The second dream that I can remember involves my sister. In it, my sister had a friend or other contact who was a big-wig at some video game publisher, and she wanted to help us out in our ambition to develop a game. There were a couple of catches: It had to be a horror game, and we had to develop a synopsis of the plot to email the publisher in twenty minutes.

The entire dream after that consisted of me being frustrated. One issue was that I could never seem to find a properly-sized piece of paper; everything seemed to have to be written on the back of receipts or envelopes sent by bill collectors or whatever. Don't ask me why I didn't just hop on over to the computer and type it out. Another issue was that my entire family chose, during those most crucial of moments, to gather 'round me wherever I was and hold large, boisterous family discussions. "Remember when" was uttered quite a lot. I couldn't concentrate at all.

The third thing that annoyed me was that my sister, who seemed to be so into this and even got us in touch with an exec, decided that she just didn't give a shit anymore. She offered no input whatsoever and sat back drinking a Mike's Hard while chatting with the rest of the family. She even got angry with me when I reminded her that we had work to do.

To top it all off, I had writer's block. Probably the most frustrated I've been in a dream for years.

The third, and most recent, dream I've had is a recurring one. Nothing serious or terribly dramatic, but it involved my old job at the UAF computer labs (bottom-tier tech support). There wasn't much of the job in the dream, other than the fact that I got it and was expected to show up to work every now and then.

So of course, in the dream, I always seemed to forget I had a job. I was always distracted by other things (hell if I can remember what at present, though), and the fact that I was needed elsewhere just never even crossed my mind. There were brief spurts of responsibility where I would recall that I was employed and honestly intend to get to work, but it never panned out.

In this dream, the closest I got to actually going back to work was sending my boss an email for the schedule. As if it was his fault that I never remembered I had a job. Still, it's more than I've done any of the other times I've had this dream (way more often that you'd think).

The thing that always gets me with this dream is I never know when or if I've been fired. I never show up to work, but I never hear from my bosses either. It's tense, man.