This is my fabulous software page.
All programs on this page, unless otherwise stated, are open-source software.
- bbcode2html
- bin2dec
- bloggie
- cheat
- chmayor
- dec2bin
- eAlarm
- giffer
- grablyrics
- icanhazip
- lazy slacker utils
- lbr
- mbox2eml
- minecraftserver
- mlen
- muzz
- namegen
- nitrogen-chwall
- note
- qYoutube-DL
- qCharDev
- shalarm
- slackey
- smsExtractor
- ttab
- vidlength
- viewshit
- weight
- Less amazing, buggy, and/or retired programs
:bbcode2html (bbcode2html.tar.gz) [Python]
This script will convert a file with BBCode - a markup 'language' common amongst forums - to HTML. It isn't beautiful code, but it works.
It's been tested with Python 3.2 / 2.7(
:bin2dec (bin2dec-1.6.tar.gz) [C]
Converts binary numbers to decimal (or hex, or octal).
Other links:
:slackware package (i486) (OLD)
:github project page
:AUR package
:bloggie (bloggie-1.1.tar.bz2) [C]
This program will convert newline characters found in text files (or text streams) into HTML breaks. I wrote a python version of this a while ago, which outputs slightly prettier HTML, but this C version is faster and more featureful.
Other downloads:
:Slackware package (i486)
:older Python script
:cheat (cheat-1.4.tar.xz) [Bash]
This is a bash reimplementation of Chris Lane's Go script of the same name. It's a script that displays cheat sheets (kept in ~/.cheat). Think of it as the impatient person's version of man pages.
Other links:
:github project page
:Chris Lane's repo
:slackware package (way old)
:chmayor ( [C]
This program will let you easily alter a file used by Simcity 2000 SE (DOS version) which has the Mayor's name and Organization name. If you bought this off GOG or downloaded it somewhere else, you might be stuck with an annoying default name that's hard to change without a hex editor; this makes it easier. Just copy to the game's folder (the one with the game EXE and SC2000.DAT) and run it from the terminal.
The archive also has a Python script which does the same thing, for those who can't / are too lazy to compile the C version.
This program is a port of John Barret's perl script; I just kinda wanted to make it in C and Python.
Other links:
:github project page
:John Barret's perl script
:dec2bin (dec2bin-1.5.tar.gz) [C]
Converts decimal numbers to binary (or hex, or octal).
Other links:
:slackware package (i486) (OLD)
:github project page
:AUR package
:ealarm 0.92 (SDL2) (ealarm-0.92.tar.gz) [C++]
ealarm is a basic alarm clock program. This is a re-write of my old python/PyGame version using C++ and SDL2. I believe it requires hardware rendering capabilities; I can probably improve this version so that it does software rendering as well if anyone wants me to.
If you want something even more basic (a shell script without a GUI), check out shalarm further down the page.
This program requires SDL2 development files, as well as development files for the SDL2 versions of SDL_image, SDL_mixer and SDL_ttf.
:giffer (giffer-1.01.tar.gz) [Bash]
A bash script that uses ffmpeg and ImageMagick to create animated gifs in a relatively simple fashion.
Other downloads:
:slackware package
:grablyrics (grablyrics-1.1.tar.gz) [Python]
This script grabs lyrics from the web ( and prints them to your terminal.
Other links:
github project page
:icanhazip (icanhazip-1.0.tar.gz) [Bash]
Bash script that displays both your outside IP address (similar to going to and your local inet address. It's named after the method by which the script gets the outside IP address (curl
Other downloads:
:slackware package
:lazy slacker utils (lsutils-1.1.tar.gz) [Bash]
This is a small collection of bash scripts that I use to make my Slackware life slightly more convenient.
lspkg is a quick way to grep for packages in /var/log/packages.
pkginfo is a quick way to look at a particular package log.
rmpkg is a quick way to lazily remove a package (or groups of packages). Be careful with this one.
Other downloads:
:lsutils Slackware package
:lbr (lbr-1.22.tar.bz2) [C]
lbr (line breaker) is a program that will break lines neatly at 80 characters or less by default. Good if you fancy reading something in the terminal, and have not yet discovered either the 'fold' or 'fmt' programs.
I've pulled this program out of the hall of shame with its newest re-write. It's finally good enough to be used by people who don't enjoy shitty results. This goddamn program has been vexing me for what seems like eons; I could never write a properly functioning version of it until this day.
Other downloads:
:slackware package (i486)
:mbox2eml (mbox2eml-0.81.tar.xz) [Python]
Python script that splits a .mbox file into a bunch of .eml files, doing its best to
name them according to their subject (numbering them first, of course).
Other links:
:github project page
:minecraftserver (minecraftserver-1.41.tar.xz) [Python]
Python script that makes running a minecraft server a little easier. Autobackups, multiple worlds, etc. This is a simple script meant for simple needs; if you're running minecraft servers professionally, you'll probably want to look elsewhere, such as msmhq.
Other links:
:github project page
:mlen (mlen-0.99.tar.xz) [Bash]
Bash script that determines the total runtime of given media files.
Other links:
:github project page
:muzz (muzz-1.01.tar.gz) [C]
Calculates projectile energy given a mass and velocity (or the reverse). Good if, for some reason, you're doing shitloads of projectile energy calculations.
Other links:
:github project page
:AUR package
:namegen (namegen-1.0.tar.gz) [C]
This is a little C program I wrote to generate pseudo-random names using a few included name files.
Other links:
:github project page
:nitrogen-chwall (nitrogen-chwall-1.1.tar.gz) [Bash]
This is a script that, in conjunciton with the program 'Nitrogen', will change the desktop background image.
There are two versions included in the archive: One for Python (tested with 2.7 and 3.3) and one for bash. By default, the bash script is installed if you go the 'make install' route.
:note (note-1.0.tar.gz) [Bash]
This is a script that lets you view or edit one single note file. It's basically a to-do list sorta thing. It's very simple: You get one note, that's all. No organization involved.
Other downloads:
:slackware package
:qytdl (qytdl-1.6.tar.xz) [Python]
PyQt5 frontend to Youtube-DL. Longform 'qYoutube-DL'. You use it to download youtube videos, if you couldn't guess. Very basic at the moment, since it already does everything I personally need it to.
Other links:
:github project page
:AUR package
:qchardev (qchardev-0.91.tar.gz) [Python]
A character development tool written with PyQt5. If you like to write and feel that writing your characters' profiles is helpful for character development, this may be helpful. Check the README for further details.
Other links:
:github project page
:shalarm (shalarm-1.7.tar.gz) [Bash]
::project page
This is an alternate version of eAlarm. It's a bash script that uses a preinstalled media player (such as mplayer) to play the alarm sound over and over. Not as featureful, but a bit easier to use.
This one includes a Makefile, so you can just 'make install' it like a normal program. It even comes with a man page, a config file, all that jazz.
As this is a bash script, it's GNU/Linux only, though you might be able to tweak it and get it working on other UNIXen without too much difficulty.
:slackey (slackey-0.9.tar.gz) [Bash]
This is a script that prints out some slightly useful system information, similar to 'Archey' for Arch Linux.
Other downloads:
:slackware package
:smsExtractor (smsExtractor-1.1.tar.gz) [Python]
Extracts SMS and MMS messages from a previously-generated XML file. Said file needs to have been generated by the app 'SMS Backup & Restore', or any other program that generates XML files in exactly the same way.
The required app can be found at
the Google Play store.
Other links:
:github project page
:ttab (ttab-0.95.tar.xz) [C]
A basic terminal calculator / tabulator. If all you want to do is add numbers together, boy, is this the program for you.
Previously a Python script, I've re-written this as a C program almost exclusively in an attempt to learn how to use linked nodes. I'm not sure if I was successful in that regard, but this version of the program seems to be slightly faster if that matters to you.
Other links:
:github project page
:vidlength (vidlength-1.0.tar.bz2) [Bash]
This script uses ffprobe to find the length of a video or audio file. It's slightly less cluttered than using ffprobe all by itself. Obviously, you'll need to have ffmpeg / ffprobe installed for this to work.
:viewshit ( [Bash]
This is a bash script which opens a number of filetypes with the appropriate applications according to the extensions the files have. It's intended for use with visual stuff, like pictures, PDFs, video files, etc., though it's quite easy to extend and have it open whatever you want with whatever programs you want.
In fact, you're going to have to edit the file a bit since I highly doubt you've got the same 'default' programs installed that I do for opening the different file types. I've deliberately eschewed any sort of 'program detection' function, both out of laziness and a desire to keep execution time snappy. It's pretty self-explanatory when you look at the code, which there isn't very much of.
Examples: Serious_Business_Report.pdf
Opens the important document using an installed PDF viewer (default 'atril') Hot_Naked_Ladies_Def_Not_Dudes.jpg
Opens the lewd image using an installed image viewer (default 'viewnior')
Other links:
:bitbucket project page
:weight (weight-0.8.tar.gz) [Bash]
This logs your weight from the command line. It can also list your progress if you'd like it to do that. Check the README file.
Update: I've replaced the original Python script with a bash script, because why the hell not. It's less featureful, but just as easy to use and the weight log is now saved as a plain text file instead of a database.
Other downloads:
:slackware package
:original python tarball
Less than amazing software
These are programs and/or scripts that, at present, I'm... less than proud of. Generally speaking, that means that they're too poorly designed, too redundant or too buggy. I might rescue some of these at a later date, but for now... meh. Click a link to download and check the readme file included with each archive for a fuller description. Generally speaking, these are for GNU/Linux.
- PyImgSort Sorts images by aspect ratio. First program I wrote. It makes use of poor design practices, though it still actually worked last time I used it.
- PyCalCount Tallies calories and other macronutritents by building 'meals'. This is another program that needlessly makes use of a captive CLI interface. I might have tried making this again, except I've since discovered other, better programs that do the same thing and more (Cronometer, for one).
- Differ Compares the contents of two different directories and tells you which files are missing from which. I'll probably rewrite this, but for now, it's buggy and I'm lazy.
- halver Randomly deletes half the contents of a specified directory (or present working directory, I can't remember which). It works, but is only useful to me once or twice a year.
- vert In theory, this is a simpler 'front-end' for ffmpeg and imagemagick. In practice, it somestimes works and sometimes doesn't, and I'll be damned if I care to suss out why.
- weather This is a quick weather script that, while still mostly functionaly, I just don't feel like maintaining any longer. Especially not since I found a much better script.
- renamer It still worked last time I used it, but a basic understanding of bash scripting will serve one far more effectively than this script.